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The ISPCC place pressure on Irish Election candidates on issue of Children’s Cyber safety

February 22, 2016
postcard FA

The forthcoming Irish general election, which will take place on the 26th of February, affords the  eNACSO board member ISPCC an opportunity to call on all candidates to make their promise to the children of Ireland to ‘Invest in Childhood.’ The ISPCC is asking election candidates to:

  • Publish a national strategy on children’s cyber safety within 100 days.
  • Fully resource the protection, welfare and mental health of our children.
  • Ensure the right to an adequate standard of living for all children.
  • Ensure a nationally available drug and alcohol rehabilitation network for all young people in need.
  • Put the best interests of children at the heart of all new laws.
  • Publish a national strategy on children’s cyber safety within 100 days

For more information and updates on the ISPCCs Invest in Childhood campaign please go to

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